"amdcode","amddesc" "01","Not laden aboard per evidence from foriegn shipper@%# or amended bill of lading" "02","Error in manifesting@%# not laden on this carrier; laden on subsequent carrier for transportation to United States@%# per evidence in files." "03","Clerical error in manifesting per bill of lading in files." "04","Pilfered or prematurely landed prior to arrival in United States per signed statement of master or his agent or vessel log extract in our file" "05","Erroneously duplicated by another bill of lading on the same manifest." "06","Permaturely landed or overcarried to another United States port where proper disposition was made per evidence in our files." "07","Inadvertently retained on board and taken foreign per master's or his agent's statement@%# amended bill of lading @%# ladning certificate@%# in our files." "08","Container stripped under Customs supervision. Foreign seals affixed abroad were intact@%# as per evidence in our files." "09","Merchandise apparently pilfered on dock while in custody of carrier." "10","Inadvertently delivered without Customs release. Goods will be redelivered intact or duty and taxes will be paid by carrier." "11","Overage - omitted from manifest through clearical error." "12","Overage - manifested for discharge at another port and inadvertently discharged at this port." "13","Proper entry filed or placed in general order per entry or general order number." "14","Merchandise inadvertently delivered to consignee without Customs release. Merchandise will be redelivered intact or liquidated damages paid." "15","Merchandise cannot be located and has apparently been lost. Liquidated damages will be paid." "16","Error in quantity manifested at port or origin. MDR(Manifest Discrepancy Report) will be filed at origin to correct in-bond entry. A copy will be delivered to this port within 90 days or duty and taxes will be paid." "17","Merchandise removed from original container and restuffed as part of the in-bond movement." "AR001","Incorrect Shipper's Name" "AR002","Incorrect Shipper's Address" "AR003","Incorrect Consignee's Name" "AR004","Incorrect Consignee's Address" "AR005","Incorrect Notify Party" "AR006","Correction to Bill of Laden" "AR007","Incorrect Number of Items" "AR008","Incorrect Description of Items" "AR009","Incorrect Vessel Information" "AR010","Correction to Container Number"